By Stephanie Chilton -
If you’re anything like me, you’ll have already heard that self-love is the key to, well, everything!
"You can't pour from an empty cup."
"Love yourself first, and everything else will fall into place."
"You are your own best friend."
But what does self-love actually mean? How do you make sure that your own cup is full? What does it look like when you are your own best friend?
Does it just mean that we need to take care of our bodies? Eat well, sleep well, exercise, repeat?
Well, that’s a great start, but let’s dig a little deeper.
In Conversations on Love Natasha Lunn suggests that “when we use the word ‘love’, what we’re really talking about is connection,” and that, “rather than self-love, perhaps self-understanding is a more useful goal.”
Self-love then becomes about getting to know yourself - what are your hopes and dreams? What are your priorities? What are your boundaries? What are your values?
It is very difficult to live according to your priorities, boundaries, and values if you haven’t figured out what they are.
Why not take some time over the coming holidays to connect with yourself? Try writing about your day in a daily journal or answering the questions above with some automatic writing in a notebook. Or perhaps seek guidance in a book such as Finding Your Own North Star by Martha Beck.
At Mature Allure we believe that the wisdom you’ve gained over the years is your greatest asset and should be shared with the world. What are your favorite ways to practice self-love? Let us know in the comments below.