Sept. 25, 2024

How Practicing Spiritual Living Helps You Stay Present and Avoid Stress

How Practicing Spiritual Living Helps You Stay Present and Avoid Stress

by Susan Nefzger – author of A Practical Guide to Living Fearlessly and A Practical Guide to Awareness 

There is always that one tiny thing that has the potential to throw a smoothly running day into a nerve-wracking one, right? Well, maybe two things.... especially if you have children at home.

As much as you cultivate normalcy, organization, and calm - what actions help maintain the basis of a peaceful outlook? One tip I learned years ago, through the practice of spiritual living is that there will always be something that MAY attempt to throw you off daily. By employing a spiritual outlook, you remember that you are not alone. Some say a little prayer or acknowledge a higher presence, some adapt a mantra daily to affirm positivity.  Believing that you can manage anything is the basis of managing a joyful, calm life.

Additionally, if we practice presence by staying in the moment and actively communicating, we avoid the slipups of racing ahead or having a meltdown. Through experience we learn that a problem or glitch in your day is not the end of the world. Make it so! How is that possible, you ask? So many scenarios, so little time...

1) Create a Backup Plan: With every consequential action you take during the day, try to ensure you have a backup plan. For example, planning dinner or not forgetting to pay the bills. (Adding reminders to your calendar on due dates, and putting the basics in your pantry or a freezer help eliminate having to worry about dinner.) Having a plan allows you to feel confident in all activities. Embracing the fact that things can go awry helps eliminate fear by knowing you can rely on yourself whatever occurs.

One practical and easy solution is creating space in your day to look at your schedule and eliminate what is not necessary from your calendar. Of course, space without distraction is optimal. It also allows you to insert self-care by allowing a stillness practice or quiet space to breathe and relax as you begin the day with peace and quiet. Even if it is only 15 minutes. Try not to say yes to every request.

2) Make Time for Exercise and/or Being Outside: How does exercise or going outside help you feel less stressed? The research has proven that exercise helps the manufacture of increased endorphin activity and serotonin, lowering stress. Going outside to look up at the sky realizing that we are a small speck helps change perspective. Try one of these; deep breathing exercises, Sun Salutations, knee bends, and stretching all help us focus on the present. Actually, walking at a brisk pace for 20 minutes can increase blood flow and affect mood change. If the weather is inhibiting your ability to go out, try a yoga video or dance to music for a few minutes. You will notice a big difference after you get up and move!

3) Add Humor to Your Day: try to find any funny part of the day, remember it, and keep laughing at it. I find myself laughing at the silliest things. So silly, most people do not see the humor.  Then I laugh again at the image of laughing alone in the kitchen or wherever I am. Unless you have a life-threatening moment or occurrence, there is usually one thing to find joy or humor in! It can bridge the gap in any situation, and again, laughter greatly relieves stress! There are now online laughter classes and groups available, where people engage in laughing together.

Let us know how you rely on spirituality in your day, or share a time-saving tip, or even the funny part of your day.  Remember we are all in this together.

Author Bio:


Susan Nefzger

With the publication of a third practical guide, Susan Nefzger addresses the times we live in with “A Practical Guide to Living Fearlessly”.  Inspired prior to, and written during the pandemic, yet fueled by the vast changes our world has experienced since, the book is a straightforward, step-by-step guide to help us overcome blocks to living our best life in a joyful, passionate way. Susan utilizes spirituality and grounded instruction based on her coaching and personal experience, but always with a dash of humor.  From enhancing your personal and work life, the way forward begins with awareness–through focusing on knowing yourself first.

A veteran public relations professional spanning over a highly substantive 30-year career, Susan sought answers on her quest for self-actualization. This led to a complete life transformation while attending a retreat in Glastonbury, England, in 2015, where inspiration flowed forth providing the impetus to write and publish “A Practical Guide to Awareness”, and the next year, “Putting Awareness into Practice”.  She is the author of A Practical Guide to Living Fearlessly, A Practical Guide to Awareness and its companion workbook — Putting Awareness into Practice.

Susan resides in Charleston, S.C.  where she employs the magic of the low country to share her inspiration with others via online courses, workshops, and retreats. Stay tuned for the retreat schedule coming soon here: visit or @tips_for_fearless_living on Instagram.

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